Mexico Team Build
CEDARS CHURCH IS A GRATEFUL to partner with Homes of hope
Building a family a home is more than just showing mercy to them; it’s a transformational act that can help break the cycle of poverty in that family’s life.
“I always knew there was a God, I just did not know He cared about me.” Homes of Hope is a practical demonstration of the love of God to the poor.”
Cedars Mexico Builds
In 2020, a house burned down in Ensenada Mexico, so volunteers from Cedars went down to build the family a new home.
In July 2024, a team from Cedars went to Ensenada to build a house for the Pascal-Zavala family and the Hernandez Lopez family.

A reminder to LIVE SENT locally! Put your feet and heart into action.
Walk your neighborhood, downtown, work campus, parks - with eyes and hearts open to experience God’s leading in the city. Every movement in the kingdom starts by the power of God - and we get to partner with Him in prayer for His kingdom movement right here (as we wait for the Mexico build) in the spaces and lives of those around us.
Don’t be surprised if He calls you to act to be a blessing to someone along the way!