Jerry Liston
Jerry serves Cedar Church as Building and Grounds. Jerry loves it when everything is up and working with out any issues. Jerry does any buying that needs to be done for each Sunday. Jerry also makes the coffee for each Sunday morning. Every once in a while you will find Jerry in the Nursery holding a baby or two.
Jerry is a widower after being married to his loving wife Kay of 46 years before she went to sit beside our savior. They have two girls, Carrie and Jennifer. Carrie has given them two grand kids Richard and Kathryn. Carrie has moved onto heaven in 2019 and Jennifer lives on the east coast.
You can find Jerry at Quarry Lakes, he loves to walk! He is also part of a group of guys who walk almost every day. (They call themselves InTrails... Ask around they would love to have you join them). Jerry enjoys fishing, frequents Bass Pro Shop, hanging most morning at SuJu's off of Thornton. Jerry also loves to watch the Giants Baseball team play and win.